Shared Earth

The Ancient Mounds Project

Shared Earth: The Ancient Mounds Project began in 2011 when I discovered there was an ancient mounds driving trail in northeastern Louisiana.  I set out to drive the trail, find as many of the mounds as possible, and photograph them.  I am indebted to Dr. Joe Saunders, former regional archaeologist, for accompanying me to the sites, telling me their stories, and introducing me to the landowners who protect them.


This 3+ year project resulted in a book (Poverty Point: Revealing the Forgotten City, with Dr. Diana Greenlee, LSU Press, 2015) and an exhibit (Shared Earth:The Ancient Mounds Project at the Masur Museum of Art, Monroe, Louisiana, 2014-2015.)  This exhibit has since traveled to the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum in Shreveport, Louisiana and a portion of it is currently included in the Moundbuilders: Ancient Architects of North America exhibit at the Penn Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  It will be on view there until 2020.


This is a small sampling of the mounds portfolio along with selected installation photos.